
MCM / WinPE ARM64 Drivers

MCM version 2403 has finally added ARM64 support for device management, OSD, and PXE, opening up the possibility to image the new set of Copilot+ PCs, however the process isn’t exactly straightforward. If you’re like me, you’ve upgraded your server to the latest release, installed the latest Windows and WinPE SDKs, started creating your ARM64...

Dynamic MECM Task Sequences with UI++

For years I have been building and managing task sequences in MECM for various applications and device types. What resulted is folders full of task sequences that have tons of shared logic, with the primary differences being the images being applied, applications installed, and network settings. While there isn’t anything wrong with this approach, it’s...

Copy SMSTS Logs During Task Sequence

One simple way to improve the workflow of your MECM OSD is to setup automatic uploads of task sequence logs on success or failure. This can be accomplished very easily using A Square Dozen’s Building a Better Task Sequence to provide error handling logic in your task sequence. Once you have your error handling task...

Injecting Drivers in MECM Task Sequences

This post demonstrates how to do an MDT style folder based driver injection during OSD. While there are many ways to accomplish driver injection during MECM task sequences, my university has always used a folder based system, originally modeled off the DriverPaths1 model outlined in this post by Michael Petersen. I particularly like this configuration...